Central Theatre Ensemble Directed by George Bellah Pictured: Kaitlyn Ross
Central Theatre Ensemble Directed by George Bellah Pictured left to right: Kaitlyn Ross Berta Manevich Skyler Lenhoff Paul Nelson Laura Taylor Emma Pope Lindsey Cassidy
Central Theatre Ensemble Directed by George Bellah Pictured top row: Berta Manevich, Emma Pope, Laura Taylor, Lindsey Cassidy Middle row: Garret Deffert, Kaela Hogan, Alex Aragon, Paul Nelson, Kaitlyn Ross Bottom row: Skyler Lenhoff, Deven Austin
Central Theatre Ensemble Directed by George Bellah Pictured: Kaitlyn Ross
Picnic - Central Theatre Ensemble
Staged reading as part of The Scratch: Seattle Workshop Series Directed by Andrew R. Coopman Photography by Brett Love Pictured: Benjamin McCormack
Staged reading as part of The Scratch: Seattle Workshop Series Directed by Andrew R. Coopman Photography by Brett Love Pictured: Rachael Uyeno
Staged reading as part of The Scratch: Seattle Workshop Series Directed by Andrew R. Coopman Photography by Brett Love
Staged reading as part of The Scratch: Seattle Workshop Series Directed by Andrew R. Coopman Photography by Brett Love Pictured: Benjamin McCormack
The Scratch: Seattle Workshop Series
Photos by Maleah Metz Photography Pictured: Anthony Gaines
Photos by Maleah Metz Photography Pictured: Rebecca Reeder, Scott Carney
Photos by Maleah Metz Photography Pictured (left to right): Anna Richardson-Hegg, Adam Hegg, Adam King, Anthony Gaines,Tim Takechi, Simone Elbrecht
Photos by Maleah Metz Photography Pictured: Anthony Gaines
The Safeguard Society - Turbo Turkey Productions